The European Community Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances 1907/2006/EC (REACH) sets requirements on safe handling of chemical substances in the production phase, import, distribution and further use. ENACON can help its clients to identify their relevant duties and responsibilities with regards to chemicals handling depending on their position in the supply chain and to implement systems and procedures to ensure the compliance status.
Most of the requirements arising from REACH that are implemented to the Czech national legislation via the Chemical Act 350/2011 Coll. apply on producers and importers of chemical substances and mixtures. Producers and importers are required to register the substances in accordance with the following schedule:
till 1.12.2012 |
till 31.5.2013 |
till 31.5.2018 |
REACH also sets certain requirements on distributors and downstream users of the chemical substance. Distributors play crucial role for information exchange between producers/importers who have registered the particular substance and the downstream users of that substance. Downstream users are required to use and handle the substances in accordance with conditions and instructions provided in chemical Safety Data Sheets.
The REACH legislation imposes various restrictions on use of certain chemicals and defines chemicals the use of which requires authorization.
ENACON offers completion of Safety Data Sheets in accordance to legal requirements, establishment of communication between the participants in the supply chain and complex advice to downstream users with respect to chemical substance handling. ENACON monitors the REACH legislation and offers to its clients regular updates with respect to changes relevant to their operations.